What a joke! For any investor there needs to be a few certainties in order to just consider an investment.
On every consideration Zimbabwe is a NO GO area!
Only those who want to get involved directly with graft, or corruption need apply.
Zimbabwe is run for the benefit of a few at the top of the sick Zanu PF regime. Looting is an "institution" in Zimbabwe.
For an investor the likelyhood of getting a return, or even protecting your investment is very, very low.
Caveat Emptor - in this case run for your life!
The protest today was attended by a few Zimbabweans within the diaspora who feel that the 'regime' are just wanting investor's money so that they can continue looting!!
We hope to be able to catalogue the failings of the Zanu PF Military Junta.
We know that it is a huge arena with plenty of material to work on across a wide variety of sectors. Bear with us as we build this platform over the coming weeks.
Rest assured the Take2Zimbabwe team are the same people as ZHRO - Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation, plus a few experts on fiscal and corruption issues.