It is with heavy heart that the "non-aligned-(to Zanu PF) Diaspora" arrive at the 43rd anniversary of the 1980 {apparent} Independence. This false "celebration" championed by Zanu PF is a complete SHAM, the War Veterans did not effectively succeed, as one heartless regime has been replaced by Zanu PF who are equally as heartless.
As Gold Mafia scandal unfolds {see link to all 4 episodes on "ZHRO - Crime Report"} it is becoming obvious that the regime is only there to "fill their boots" with the plunder that was once Zimbabwe - now just a 'carcass', stripped bare of the mineral-wealth of the Nation. Now without even basic functioning infrastructure, having no dependable electricity supply, sewage systems, water supplies, railways, trains, aircraft, - even the dams are unstable! All due to the aversion that the Zanu PF regime {in control of the finances of such matters} to spend any necessary money on ongoing and vital maintenance!
Please join with all Zimbabweans and their supporters on the 18th April 2023 {the non-Independence Day 'Celebrations} to show your displeaseure at this criminality at the evil hearth of the Zanu PF military regime! Also sign this petition too - see link below
In the UK a Change Org petition was eastablished, which quickly garnered good support. Created by Cathy Fikile Tshezi and you should sign and share to all your own network CLICK HERE
Would you credit it? a train strike today gave us some problems. Especially affected was Washington Ali, trying to get to London from the Isle of Wright! He did get to the Zimbabwe Embassy - but by 15:00. A real victim of the travel disruption. The weather however was 'on-side' - forecast rain - actual sunny which will always life the spirits.
From 11:30 to 13:20 We congregated outside the Zimbabwe Embassy {429 The Strand, London. WC2R 0JR} arriving from all directions, with a travel-tale from many. First we saw, Moses Mbano who had got a great deal of a train fare from Newcastle to Kings Cross. He got to the Embassy at 11:30am. Next was Rashiwe and John after a 4km {exercise} walk from London Bridge Station - since there were no trains running to Charring Cross. Their walk past St Paul's Cathedral and the High Court gave them a great display of London Architectural heritage. They also noted all the tiny side streets with Old Churches, Cobble stone Court Yards and High-End Mercedes with chauffeurs awaiting their corporate Chairmen!
The demostrators had the "Zanu PF Must Go" banner, which was unfurled when they arrived and was shown many times in the photos and videos on the day. It certainly amused the passers-by who were curious as to what it all meant. Many were happy to be informed, but shocked as to the treatment of Job Sikhala. The Zimbabwean Embassy Staff, remained locked in the Embassy, presumeably through embarrassment as to the actions of the regime in Zimbabwe, after all the efforts by the regime's propaganda team to hide all their wrong-doings, violence and continued {apparently State Sanctioned monthly GOLD smuggling operations}!
So after lots of photos, the demonstrators departed just a fraction after 1:20 pm to head towards Whitehall
Hon Gaw'zela Twitter Handle @ZelaHon and Former Siphofaneni MP | President of SWALIMO | Advocating For Democratic Reforms In Swaziland came to support the #FreeWiwa demo at the Embassy with 5 of his own supporters. These fine people were gladly welcomed, due to the close relationship between Zimbabwe and Swazi freedom demonstrators here in London - Many times have the Zimbabwe Opposition team have been to the Swazi High Commission near Buckingham Palace.
The group moved off with the "Zanu PF Must Go" Banner on display, down The Strand, past the Charring Cross Railway Station, across Trafalgar Square, and onto Whitehall itself. In good voice, chanting all the way - again piquing the interest of the tourists and Londoner's alike.
When the demonstrators arrived at their preferred meeting place - in front of the statue of General Montgomery, opposite the gated entrance to the short street named Downing Street, Chief Ndiweni was already waiting for tham. This is now day 275 for Job Sikhala behind bars -{We have a chart to monitor thise CLICK HERE}. The Chief, having had a difficult train journey from the East Coast, due, like many, due to the day's Train Strike. Many greetings were exchanged. And due deference was paid to Chief Ndiweni, mainly due to his long standing resistance to the coercion/corruption/overt political influence made by the ruling Zanu PF regime!
Drums, shakers and singing ensued to symbolise the injustices inflicted upon the peoples of Zimbabwe, both at home and in the global diaspora. They also completed the attendance register for all those present, to confirm the day's demonstration and significance for Zimbabweans.
Results of an independent survey of Zimbabwean voters show that Nelson Chamisa will defeat the incumbent president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, obtaining an outright majority of votes in elections scheduled for later this year.
The survey was conducted for The Brenthurst Foundation by the London-based SABI Strategy Group, which is not affiliated with a Zimbabwean party. The survey, conducted in January using an in-depth 15-minute questionnaire, shows Chamisa would win 53% of the vote to Mnangagwa’s 40% among those who say they will definitely vote.
The result is more evidence of the sliding dominance of “liberation” parties as economic growth in the region lags behind the rest of the developing world — and much of Africa.
Zanu-PF was boosted by the ousting of the long-time president, Robert Mugabe, with his replacement, Mnangagwa, given the opportunity to reinvent the party and implement much-needed economic reforms.
Mnangagwa — like President Cyril Ramaphosa who took over from Jacob Zuma on the promise of reform — has failed to deliver, with the Zimbabwean economy in dire straits. In Zimbabwe’s case, civil liberties are under threat as the opposition is targeted by police, and the ruling party depends heavily on the military to bolster its power.
In this update, made on the sombre anniversary of 1st August 2018 when Zimbabwe's Soldiers opened fire indiscriminately on unarmed civilians - who were quite correctly protesting about the rigging of the 2018 election, we must remind all Zimbabweans, the AU [African Union], SADC [Southern African Development Community] and the rest of the World, that there are currently NO Free and Fair Elections - nor has there been in practice since the 1980 [False] Independence. We will also repeat this item on our website that highlights the fact that there is a Military Cabal controlling Zimbabwe, the Zanu PF party.
So our WALK FOR FREEDOM is as relevant as ever on this 7th time we have planned this event [the first time was in August 2016 just prior to the formation of ZHRO in October 2016]. Our 'practice walks' this month in London and North Yorkshire, have tied-in with other events to do with campaigning for Free, Fair and Open Elections - as highlighted below:
"Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. . . . The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures."
Article 21, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
As in previous year's we will attempt to predict our walking timetable for those who may wish to cheer us on, or join us for part of this well trodden route of ours. So we will publish maps, timetables, and for those with a 'tech savvy' outlook - live navigation links to the UK's Ordnance Survey Mapping software. The same as the organiser's on the day. {Due shortly} Now added below in yellow Highlighter.
This year we are actively seeking supporting donations so that we can [as we have done in every year previously] have a support team(s) to ferry the walkers, food, bandages, blister plasters etc., In addition as necessary, finally collect the "walking wounded" (!) - joking - but some of us have very delicate feet - and the stony footpaths can take their toll on those without practice, multiple pairs of socks {for keeping the feet cool}, good footwear, ankle support, blisters and cramps! Plus a bit of sympathy at times too!
So our donation PayPal button on this page would welcome your spontaneous generosity. Or this QR code using your phone.
Now those wishing to be at the start, we must emphasise that the walkers will hope to leave the Brighton Pier forecourt at 7:00am sharp. This is to facilitate the 8 miles to stand and take in the stunning beauty atop the "Devil's Dyke" hill within the South Downs.
As the organisation is very 'minimal' we cannot accommodate people leaving at different times - as each group would need navigational support - since so few have taken onboard the mapping software in the past. So for practical reasons, we start at one time, in a group, ideally keeping together. This will facilitate the taking of photos, Twitter, Facebook, ZHRO Live, Zim Eye Live and other media we will employ throughout the full 25-30 hours of the "Walk for Freedom"
This link is the most important, its the original detailed full route as plotted on the OS Online platform from Ordnance Survey UK. It is scaleable, in that it can be enlarged right down to individual footpath levels. If you have the OS App then you can navigate "live" in the field using your phone as a direction finder. 100km Route CLICK HERE
Timetable {Approximate}
This timetable is AN APPROXIMATION for arriving and leaving times at the locations identified with Sat Nav Post Codes |
Route Maps here - Along the full Walk for Freedom
These Short Section Maps are designed to help those without Data Access "In the field" as it were. Please print off the section(s) you will be walking | |
USE THESE LINKS Opposite TO OPEN THE MAPS in a new Window | Itemised Map Links |
Brighton Start: BN2 1TW | Brighton and suburbs |
Crossing the A27 | Cross A27 |
Towards Devil's Dyke: BN1 8YJ {Public House} | Towards Devil'd Dyke |
Fulking Villiage | Down to Fulking Villiage |
Crossing the Vale | Crossing the Vale |
On to Henfield: BN5 9PJ | On to Henfield |
Joining the "Downs Link" [An old Railway Route to Guildford] | Joining the Downs Link |
Partridge Green | Partridge Green |
Christ's Hospital Railway Station: RH13 0ND | Christ's Hospital |
Scaling the Hill over the "Bat Tunnel" | The BAT Tunnel |
Approaching Guildford {Night Time} | Approaching Guildford |
Central Guildford incl Railway Station Meet Point GU1 4UT | Guildford Area |
Now with the River Wey Path | Leaving Guildford area |
Keeping with the River Wey Navigation Path | River Wey Navigation |
Under the M25 [into London!] | Under the M25 |
Meeting with the River Thames Path | Joining Thames Navigation |
Following the Thames Navigation footpath to Hampton Court | Hampton Court and Finish |
Ready for further Updates Here
Now we should like the global diaspora to try a similar exercises in their locality over the coming weeks to suit their own timetables. Firstly to check on the address, ambassador/high commissioner names and e-mails of all the Embassies of Senegal, Consulates of Namibia, and the Embassies of Zimbabwe, please access this PDF with live web links [thanks go to for all this data] to them all GLOBAL EMBASSY CONTACT LIST - Click Here to Download or access.
Then you can copy the proforma body text [below - with Read More/Pages] to the Senegal Embassies and Namibian Consulates as shown here. Replace the name of the Ambassador with the name from the PDF database above. Also get the e-mail so you can send them "Notice of Petition Hand Over" [ before the the written petition will be available with an update to this article.] SEE Here for the Written Petition Templates in this article TEMPLATES this includes the Zimbabwe Embassy Templates.
Flickr Website Images of the day CLICK HERE